Friday, July 27, 2012

Learning to Make Gold fast in World of Warcraft

By Kelly Keisel

The Warcraft gold is very important in the game playing. The players ought to know how to make gold fast. Otherwise they will be nothing more than a skill bar. They need Wow gold to acquire items, learn skills and almost everything need money in the game playing. So you should read this guide to discover how to make gold fast. Try to be a player never lack of money.

Now the forest is full of secrets. Many players like to explore in the unknown locations. So do I. I was wondering in the forest and then I found a big lake with a crashed airplane at the bottom. It seems that the plane is crashed in the lake in the fight. Now the plane has developed into gnome-like skeleton. Later, I found a chest with a skull on in the lake. There is a tiny island in the lake. You can find a skeleton with a sword in his back and a fishing pole in his hands.

There are things to note when you use this method. It will take more time to be a character than being a gatherer. But the payoff may be higher than the gatherer. You can make about 20 gold per day or 200g a day. You can even make 2000g gold a day. It depends on what drops you will get. You can go to the high level places where you can get more high level items. Then you can cost more gold. If you can sell your items in the weekend you may get more gold. The things sell well in the weekend.

Use the Craft Profession to Make Gold This profession is very good if you wish to make things with the items you collected. To use the crafting profession, you must have 10-20 precious metal. You should also have 150 skill points into any craft. You will probably use some money by using the craft job. The leatherworking and blacksmithing can be used to craft things. You can craft the things before you sell them within the auction house. Buy Low and Sell High in the Auction house This is a much complex solution to make gold in Wow. If you are able to buy low and sell high, you can make a great deal of Wow gold then. You should have some initial investment before you can buy low and sell high. It is advisable to have at least 10 gold or 50 gold. 10 gold will get you started in the auction house. The particular strategy is simple---you buy an item at a low price and then sell the items at the high price.

Get Better Gear You do not have to complete every quest while you are from the Outland. Instead you can run instances to get better gears as well as a great amount of money. You save the quest for level 70. Some quests will give only 2 gold while other will give 12 gold per pursuit. When you have reached high level, you can make close to 1000 gold per zone for the uncompleted tasks. There are many ways to make gold fast in World of Warcraft. Here I just list some of the techniques. You can learn more if you read more materials. Here I will give you a video about how to make platinum fast in World of Warcraft. It is really nice video though it is an old video.

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