Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Borderlands 2 characters short overview

By Konrad Abenhower

Many more adventures waiting for us to experience on the planet Pandora. Borderlands 2, FPS with RPG elements is going to be released soon. Apart from main story line of the game we will be able to play cooperative mode online for up to four players plus the split screen mode to play offline.

Game offers huge selection of quests, hordes of enemies to get rid of, all over the lands of Pandora. Producers kept the same concept of comics look with new characters. This game is worth sleepless nights.

We can choose one of four main characters and one bonus character that we gonna play:

Axton is a solider class in the game. Sadly we can no more play Roland but some features from the first part for a solider are still there. We can use turret as an extra power for Axton. This time our turret will be called Turret 2.0 which is bigger and have more awesome characteristic. As a soldier Axton has general combat skill-set.

Zer0 is the most ambiguous figure in Borderlands 2. Zer0 isn't for that matter his name. Due to the fact he doesn't talk name was given to him, as whenever he assassinate opponent he displays 0 above his head. His specific skill is deception. It makes him invisible to opponents. Longer he stays in stealth mode his sword makes more damage to the prey. Sword is a peculiar element to Zer0 that makes him possibly more unique from other heroes. He can set up a decoy and shoot the enemies from far as his favourite weapon is sniper rifle.

Maya is a character that is Siren class from previous part of the game. Her special skill is Phaselock - the power to grab the target in electric bubble that teleports him to a different dimension. This skill may be later modified. For instance Life Orbs - locked opponent cures you and your friends or more harmful skills that will cause the orb to explode and hurt anyone close by. Besides that Maya is the only lady form the main squad of the game.

Salvador looks like a huge piece of rock. He is the biggest and toughest character of all presented in Borderlands 2. He is Gunzerker, class that has its origin from Berserker. He holds special skill termed Dual-Wielding. It makes him strong for some time, strong enough to hold and fire from two guns simultaneously. Obviously skill can be enhanced after leveling.

Mechromancer will be available if you buy Vault Hunters Edition of the Borderlands 2 game. If you don't, you can buy character separate. There isn't much details about her. Yes, it is her, little girl that can control mechs. Her very special skill is going to be call up Deathtrap - evil Claptrap. It is still a question how Deathtrap will backup our little lady.

Borderlands 2 is already called release of the year in the game industry. Game will be offered on three platforms: PC, Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. Its launch is planed on 18th September 2012. It is gonna be a big event for all fans of Pandora.

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